What do you do at TICAH?
I manage TICAH's Art for Connection and Healing program as well as support TICAH with fundraising, communications and organisational development.
What do you hope your work will do for the community you work with?
My hope is that the arts community in Kenya will grow and thrive, sparking new and deep connections between different generations, practices and communities of artists. My hope is that through art we can all find true connection with one another and healing from challenges.
What do you love about TICAH?
I love how creative and open TICAH is and how unafraid the organisation is to take on creative projects to support communities.
Share a little about your professional background
I've been an organisational and program development professional and photographer for several organisations in Kenya since 2008 and joined TICAH in 2015. Prior to that I worked in the nonprofit and private sectors in the US where I'm from. I’m also a writer, photographer, sculptor and designer.
What is your favorite food?
I'm half Japanese, half Southern American (US) and have lived in Kenya for over 10 years, so anything Japanese but also pulled pork, American style biscuits, biriyani or ndengu with chapo!