Crown Princess Mary of Denmark made an official trip to Kenya this week to launch a gender equality campaign ‘’Deliver for Good’’ with Women Deliver on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights accompanied by Women Deliver President Katja Ivernsen and Danish ambassador to Kenya Mette Knudsen where they danced and showed their solidarity for women and girls.
Her Royal Highness spent 2 days in Kenya to advocate for girls and women’s rights. Her visit included attending a TICAH organized session for Young Mothers to witness TICAH’s efforts to improve the rights of girls and women when it comes to sexual and reproductive health and rights. TICAH’s Young Mothers Program engages with adolescents and teenage mothers as a process of healing and empowerment. They learn about their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights as well as ways to sustain themselves through income generating activities. The program values choice and leadership.
Deliver for Good is a global campaign, initiated by Women Deliver and partners that applies a gender lens to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promotes 12 critical investments in girls and women to power progress for all. Deliver for Good highlights the ripple effects of investing in girls and women so decision makers understand the central role that gender equality plays in global development efforts.
The Crown Princess has worked with Women Deliver for a number of years and is a strong advocate for gender equality.