Colour Your History (Waluguru Edition)

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Colour Your History (Waluguru Edition) is an interactive book sharing the Waluguru community’s history, myths, and stories inspired by the land of the Uluguru mountains in the Morogoro region of Tanzania. The book shares the depth of the community, everything from leadership to the beauty of the mountains of Waluguru. With the book we aim to preserve the art, culture, and history of the Waluguru community. The development of this project was a partnership effort between MAZI Art and Culture, Balcony Series, and Ngoma Afrika.  

The project was community driven where the Choma community in Uluguru mountains were briefed about the project and shared stories they hold dear and wanted to pass down to the next generation.  Artist Kashushu and photographer David Masanja, listened to different stories from the community members, and converted them to illustrations and captured photos and videos. Illustrator Kesha Pandakilima, also produced a number of illustrations from the documented information. The illustrations will be accompanied by short text explanations or stories in English language, Swahili and Luguru language. The full coloring book will be complete in 2024.

MAZI Art and Culture
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